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We live in a fast moving world. People want "fast" everything. Fast food, fast transport, fast internet, fast money and fast almost everything. God however calls us to slow down in this fast moving world. He say "come now let us reason together", let is make cognitive decisions and not follow the general populous.

If we live by the world's standard, we can only get the world's results. Sickness, beartbreaks, divorce, unhappiness, sorrow, sadness, pain, tears and altimately death. When Jesus comes the second time, He is not coming to change anything about our charactor. Charactor building must be done here on earth. If you are to be a saint in heaven, you must be a saint on earth. Jesus in the Lord's prayer taught us that there is a way that we can have little heavens on earth. Living by God's will. What if we tried living differently? What if we tried doing things God's way?

Bible verse for the week:

Isaiah 40:31

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strnghthe. They shall  mount up with wings as Eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

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